The Giza Archives

The Giza Archives is an incredibly rich resource for anyone wishing to research the history and archaeology of the Giza Plateau. Hosted by the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston it has a large archive of photographs, books and articles, and a range of other materials all related to Giza's tombs, pyramids and the Great Sphinx.

Sadly the website doesn't seem to have been fully maintained in recent years and quite a few of my recent searches on the site have resulted in an error message "An unexpected application exception has occurred." But despite the mild frustration caused by this, the site remains an indispensible resource for anyone wanting to learn more about the sphinx.

Included in the extensive Giza Library are digitised copies of two rare books by Selim Hassan who excavated the area around the Sphinx in the 1930s. The books can be found by clicking on this link and scrolling down to "Hassan, Selim. Excavations at Gîza VIII. 1936–1937. The Great Sphinx and its Secrets. Historical Studies in the Light of Recent Excavations. Cairo, Government Press, Cairo: 1953." and a little further down "Hassan, Selim. The Sphinx. Cairo: Government Press, 1949. "

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Title Image detail of the Great Sphinx from Cairus, quae olim Babylon 1612 included in Civitates orbis terrarvm, Ameican Library of Congress